Thursday, January 12, 2006

So I decided that there's too much to the spiritual side of me not to write about it. My pastor is always on us about writing down the vision, and I intend through this blog to do some of that and more. Each day you give God the glory, you can expect something good to happen. If I were to tell you of the supposed woes on my plate right now, it would seem very close to high-level panic material. The depths of worldly concern and worry can knock you for a loop without a tried spiritual base. This is not the place where I debate religious issue, so expect that kinda phrasing from me. I have discovered that some sort of morning ritual (prayer, meditation, etc.) can truly improve what we label "bad days". In the same way the news promotes doubt (note:NO 11'oclock news before bed!) we can promote hope. Things will work out if you believe they can. If you don't, find a way to. See yall tomorrow.

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