Sunday, January 29, 2006

Amazing what God will do when we give him space to move in our lives. The gospel group I manage did a show last night in a venue that had NOTHING to do with gospel. At the shows conclusion, the audience were literally frozen. I have never seen a reaction to a performance like that in my life. It was as if God wanted it to be understood there was no king above he. This was a new meaning of Holy Ghost Power for all of us. I am so honored to be blessed by God in this way. I'm happy He chose me for a time such as this. We're all His vessel, just a matter of what incubates. And sometimes, we need a cleaning.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

See the beginning from the end. Sometimes, I should say Godtimes, visualizing how you want something to turn out is the way to make sure it does. God surely sees the ending first, that's how he can make us so many promises that are all yea and amen. He knows that when he speaks, it is. Now let me ask you a question, what do you think likeness and image means? We surely don't look like God. I'll give you the answer, it means speaking. We are the only creature outside of our creator that can call things into existence. So start today. Say how you want a thing to end, and begin.

Monday, January 23, 2006

This is the Day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it.
We sang that song yesterday in service, so rewarding and fitting. I'm glad God gives us new days and new mercies. It truly means that we have the uncanny ability to start anew everyday.
How wonderful.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Press on toward the mark. This thought continually rings in my head. In the context of a full life, there's so much to be done. Sometimes we become weary and drawn. It's important to remember to press, no matter what. The hardest time to press for me seems to be right after a victory. We won!!! We get lax and front. Don't!!! Press on toward the mark.

Friday, January 20, 2006

The earth is the Lord's, and all that is contained within. I thank you YHWH for your ownership over me and my common-ness. You always seem to make a way out of no way, and I'm so grateful you come through, every time. As I press toward the mark, I call into existence those things that make me live a complete and whole life. I trust you Lord, with every drop of my sweat, with every cry of my soul. You will keep me. You will deliver me. Because I know your name and have a personal relationship with you, I expect your loving-kindness. (that's good)Because I know your name and have a personal relationship with you, I expect your loving-kindness.
Take my hand Lord. Lead me in the way I should go.Jesus, I give you my life, I make you my Lord.
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Today, I'll probably talk about the same thing in all three of my blog posts, because as of yesterday, after over 2 years, God provided me with a job. I'm so grateful, and its crystal clear that it was Him and not me.
At the top of this year, I made a promise to myself to do what I know spiritually to be true, and rewarding. Tithes are one. Prayer, really a "prayer-life" is another one, a BIG one. I was always taught that prayer is a two-way conversation. Learning to hear God is mans greatest asset. He'll lead, but we have to follow. That, is why I'm working now and haven't been working for over two years. Prayer:
Dear God, help us to be mindful that all bounty comes from you. Let us never tarry to do what you ask of us, for our own sakes. We thank you for the shedding of blood, and the forgiveness of sins. We love you. We adore you. Thank you for delivery,
In Jesus name,

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Speaking of never leaving and foresaking, I'm still there. It takes bravery and courage to believe the promises of God with NO doubt. We know the scripture says God is not a man that he should be mocked, but I don't think we actually get it. Somehow, even us "faith" people get caught in doubt by terming it "reality", when in reality, its no more a reality than our faith. A good friend and I had a conversation last night equating satan with bad attitude. Speaking of that word, who, pretell determined to capitalize the name of the devil?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Such a liberating thought when the Apostle Paul says that "God is faithful". It means he'll stick by what he says no matter what. Today, I am believing that God will never leave me or forsake me, as is said in his Word. Amen.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sundays are beautiful. I'm sure Fridays for Muslims ans Saturdays for Jews are as well. The mere presence of church and the re-connecrtion with Spirit is powerful, and, empowering. The trick of course (and yes, I did use that word), is to keep it going week-thru. My pastor always says to us if we cannot duplicate at home what we do in church its a moot point. Be blessed!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Faith is a funny element. Its something you have to do for yourself, or you won't believe in it fully. When people or places around you are doubtful, that is the absolute best time to see your faith in action. Don't allow circumstance of any kind to dampen your faith or its outlook.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Good morning Holy Spirit. Please order my steps on this day the Lord has made. Allow me to not slip, or be made to fall, and project my vision beyond my circumstance. You know my needs! Your word says you will be my present help in the time of trouble. Answer me Lord. I need you now, to me it seems like more than ever before, but you know what I mean.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

So I decided that there's too much to the spiritual side of me not to write about it. My pastor is always on us about writing down the vision, and I intend through this blog to do some of that and more. Each day you give God the glory, you can expect something good to happen. If I were to tell you of the supposed woes on my plate right now, it would seem very close to high-level panic material. The depths of worldly concern and worry can knock you for a loop without a tried spiritual base. This is not the place where I debate religious issue, so expect that kinda phrasing from me. I have discovered that some sort of morning ritual (prayer, meditation, etc.) can truly improve what we label "bad days". In the same way the news promotes doubt (note:NO 11'oclock news before bed!) we can promote hope. Things will work out if you believe they can. If you don't, find a way to. See yall tomorrow.